Suggestions for Corrections and Improvements

If you come across any errors in the information presented here, or you find any features of this website that don't work as they ought to work, or you have suggestions for additional features that would be helpful for God's people in general, or you have suggestions for ways we can improve the usefulness of this website, then please send those suggestions to:

Putting up this website has been an enormous task for the handful of people who have been involved with this project. I don't doubt that there are still things that need to be corrected and sorted out. And there must surely be ways in which some of the things on this website can be done more effectively. So I will be very grateful for any suggestions that are sent to us in this regard.

Using YOUR OWN EMAIL PROGRAM please send all such suggestions to the above email address, stating:
- your name
- your email address
- the nature of the suggestion
- an elaboration of your suggestion in up to one page of text

Please note because of the problem with viruses that are rampant on the internet we will generally not open any attachments that accompany your email.