Contact the Webmaster

If you want to contact us regarding something that does not fit into one of the other four categories (i.e. the various requests and suggestions), then please feel free to contact the webmaster at:

I am not in a position to regularly check my email and to always uphold regular email communications with all the people who contact me. So I have a webmaster who takes care of the day-to-day running of this website. So even if you would like to contact me personally, please direct at least your initial communication to the webmaster, who will forward it to me. I can then contact you personally after that.

I have deliberately not included either a physical address or even my own personal email address on this website. I wish to discourage people from sending me books, tapes, articles, magazines, money, etc. But if there is a need for personal email communications, then the webmaster (who sends all messages received to me) is the first person you need to contact. And many things can be handled without needing my personal involvement.

To contact the webmaster please use YOUR OWN EMAIL PROGRAM to write to the above email address, stating:
- your name
- your email address
- the nature of your communication

Please note because of the problem with viruses that are rampant on the internet we will generally not open any attachments that accompany your email.