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Jewish Terms and their Meanings

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D'oraita A law that comes directly from the Torah. See also "D'rabbantan".
D'rabbantan A law instituted by the rabbis and NOT found in the Torah. See also "D'oraita".
Daf Yomi Literally "a daily page", in reference to studying the Talmud. Using this daf yomi approach, a person can go through the whole Talmud in about 7.5 years.
Dagan Grain
Dagesh The dot in the center of certain Hebrew letters.
Daven To pray
Dayyan, Dayyanim Talmudic term for a judge. The biblical name for a judge is "shofet".
Debar, ha-Debarim Words
Dehiyyah, Dehiyyot The four rules of postponement used to fix the date for Tishri 1 in the Jewish year.
Dekel A palm tree.
Demai Agricultural produce about which there exists a doubt as to whether it has been duly tithed.
Derash Homiletical interpretation.
Derekh Erez, Derek Erez "Way of the world"; desirable rules of conduct.
Devarim Name for the Book of Deuteronomy.
Devarim Liturgical prayers; same as "Tehinnah".
Devekut "Cleaving"; communion with God.
Diaspora Dispersion.
Dina de-Malkhuta Dina The halakhic rule that the law of the country is binding, and, in certain cases, is to be preferred to Jewish law.
Dinei Kenasot Law of obligations. This law is concerned with the rights of one person as against another ("jus in personam"), as distinguished from the law of property.
Dinei Mamonot Basically "civil law".
Dinei Nefashot The concept "dinei nefashot" takes in that part of the criminal law dealing with matters that call for capital and certain other forms of corporal punishment.
Divre ha-Yamim The Book of Chronicles.
Dorshei Halakot "Givers of smooth interpretations".